Despite manufacturers’ best attempts, the fact is that sometimes products will come out faulty. The manufacturing process is not exempt from flaws and every once in a while a product will come out with a minor or major issue. And while the above might not be a major concern for small consumer goods, they become a major headache when said malfunctions appear in an expensive purchase like a car.
Traditionally faulty vehicles have been known as “lemons” and this is what Lemon Law was made in reply to. Lemon Law is, in short, a group of consumer protection statutes that provide compensation in the case of defective vehicles and serve as an additional layer of protection for vehicle owners.
So with that in mind today we will be taking a look at lemon law and how you can benefit from it in case you end up buying a defective vehicle.
What kind of vehicles apply for lemon law?
In broad terms, Lemon Law will cover new, leased, and even used cars, however as it tends to be the case for most matters of law the devil is in the details. The most important thing to consider when trying to apply for Lemon Law is the warranty status for your vehicle rather than the model or manufacturer.
Lemon Law only really comes into play when the warranty or other similar policies have failed to come through, and as such it’s important that your vehicle still counts with one to even consider Lemon Law procedures. In general, terms as long as your vehicle counts with warranty and the manufacturer have failed to fix the defect in time you can apply for the Lemon law statutes and aim for compensation.
That said what kind of compensation you can realistically expect varies from various small details like the overall mileage or the nature of the defect, so if you plan to go through with a Lemon law claim we strongly recommend that you go to a specialist firm like the Law Office of Jacob K. Kashani first so you can fully understand your prospects.
What does lemon law cover?
Lemon Law aims to provide one of two results for the owner once you win the case: Either a replacement vehicle or a cash buyback. In the former case, the manufacturer must offer both a replacement and cover the costs incurred during the time your vehicle was inoperable. If you opt for a buyback instead the manufacturer will pay you back in cash, however, the specific amount you’ll receive will depend on a variety of factors like the car’s mileage and any damage that the vehicle has incurred.